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PIA Planet Online – Planning for a Network of Circular Economy Villages (Two Half-Day Workshops)

This course examines a new land development model referred to as Circular Economy Villages (CEVs). Responding to the numerous global mega-trends that are changing the way we live, CEVs are a replicable approach to land development incorporating build-to-rent principles and circular economy, precinct-scale infrastructure.

This short course examines what cities and settlement patterns may be like if the challenges posed by global mega-trends were appropriately addressed, enabling and encouraging the development in regional areas of a network of Circular Economy Villages. The course will evolve to incorporate lessons from a pilot village project under development in regional NSW.

Each CEV would be designed as a node in a network of high-tech, regenerative villages that strive towards self-sufficiency and zero waste within their bioregion. A CEV would house a diverse community with a discrete population of up to 200 people, integrating affordable co-working and co-living spaces with water and energy micro-grids and a regenerative agricultural system.

Participants will learn why, as a systems-based model, CEVs offer an optimal strategy for addressing the various economic, social and environmental challenges of our time. CEVs embrace the transitions from linear to circular economies, from centralised to distributed infrastructure systems, and from extractive to regenerative mindsets.

The course will offer the key attributes of CEVs as developed to date with the aim of engaging participants in a conversation about how these can be further refined. The pilot project will be discussed as a case study, addressing the following attributes:

• Land area requirements and physical design
• Land tenure and ownership arrangements
• Enabling planning policies (LEP and DCP provisions)
• Implication across other Council departments
• Financial structures and investment strategy
• FinTech and PropTech opportunities

The ultimate objective is to create an open source development model that may be adopted in planning policies by local and state governments, and then implemented by numerous developers.