Optus Stadium Drainage


Project Details

Optus Stadium, located on the Burswood Peninsula, is a multi-purpose stadium with surrounding parkland and public open space. It was completed in late 2017 and officially opened on 21 January 2018.

WSUD Category: Biofilter/raingarden, Drainage for Liveability, Swale / buffer strip

Criteria Information
Development Type:Infrastructure
Function/Driver:Environmental improvement
Government Area:City of Perth
Site Context:Poorly draining soils
Year Completed:2017

Optus Stadium, located on the Burswood Peninsula, is a multi-purpose stadium with surrounding parkland and public open space. It was completed in late 2017 and officially opened on 21 January 2018.

Water management for the Perth Stadium and surrounding parklands aim to provide effective drainage and improve water quality of stormwater prior to discharge to the adjacent Swan River and river-fed lake. The stadium’s stormwater management system is designed to direct runoff from all impervious surfaces to underground infiltration tanks, biofilters, swales and drainage basins, sized to retain the first 15 mm of any storm event.

On the northern side of the stadium a rainwater tank collects runoff from the stadium roof. This runoff is used for irrigation of the garden beds in the precinct and toilets in the stadium. Water quality treatment is achieved through vegetation and underlying amended soil profiles in the garden beds, swales and basins.